
I have one customer who advises that every time they leave for vacation, their feeder goes offline. They have a dual band router and have confirmed that both networks have different SSID names. They have also deleted the device from the app and re-connected it. They are able to get it re-connected and turned back online but every time they leave, the unit goes offline. Do you have any ideas as to why this could be happening?
One possibility that comes to mind is that the customer might be using their phone’s hotspot as the Wi-Fi connection for the feeder. However, I believe this likelihood is quite slim. I’ve come across instances where users utilize their phone’s hotspot for IoT devices in their vehicles. Could you kindly inquire with the customer about this potential scenario?
Why does my feeder keep switching between offline and online?
Check our USB charger and cable connection!
Given the widespread availability of 5V chargers, such as USB adapters, many households already have several. This leads some consumers to use existing chargers rather than the ones provided with new 5v devices.
Some companies even omit including chargers, assuming most people have one. However, using the wrong charger might harm the device or its performance. It’s best to use the original or a compatible one for optimal results.

However, it’s crucial to understand that while many 5V chargers might appear similar, their output current and stability can vary. In certain scenarios, using a mismatched charger can damage the device or diminish its performance. Thus, it’s always recommended for users to employ the original or a compatible charger to guarantee optimal device performance and longevity.